Let's speak something of technology now.Kingston,one of the leading companies that produce pendrives has released the world's first 256 G.B USB flash drive.Just before two months it released a 128 G.B USB flash drive and just with in a span a few weeks it came out with a new innovation.It carries the highest capacity available on the market. Up to 90% of the drives content can be password protected and conveniently accessed due to the new Password Traveler software.The codename for this is DT300(data traveller300).It's price may be around Rs.45,100.
It is very small and can carry a lot of information that one notebook can carry,but the price is very much high, and so it is suitable for only the corporate people and high end business men who travel a lot.It is good despite the recession that a lot of new products were being designed and released in the market.
It is very small and can carry a lot of information that one notebook can carry,but the price is very much high, and so it is suitable for only the corporate people and high end business men who travel a lot.It is good despite the recession that a lot of new products were being designed and released in the market.
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