Chinese Handset maker, Xiaomi launched it's Xiaomi Redmi Note 3G variant in India. Below are the full device specifications.
For a price of Rs.8999, you can't expect more. For this price range giving an Octa Core Processer is also unexpected. Xiaomi is leveraging it's Chinese advantage, where manufacturing costs are low, and produces on the basis of demand, so it won't have to produce anything extra than demand.
The screen size is a big one, and carrying might be a problem. Other than that, all features look good.
It will be better if companies release 4 inch phones, with good specifications, which actually fit in our pocket. Unfortunately only Apple produces such devices, which are generally three to four times costlier than Android devices.
For a price of Rs.8999, you can't expect more. For this price range giving an Octa Core Processer is also unexpected. Xiaomi is leveraging it's Chinese advantage, where manufacturing costs are low, and produces on the basis of demand, so it won't have to produce anything extra than demand.
The screen size is a big one, and carrying might be a problem. Other than that, all features look good.
It will be better if companies release 4 inch phones, with good specifications, which actually fit in our pocket. Unfortunately only Apple produces such devices, which are generally three to four times costlier than Android devices.
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